Monthly Comment September 2020

During September, stock indices generally fell in both Europe and the US. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Index and the MSCI World Index also showed negative performance. In Sweden though, the OMX Stockholm Index finished the month in positive territory.

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Monthly Comment August 2020

During August, the financial markets continued to rise. The positive momentum was led by growth companies in the tech sector and the Nasdaq Index rose sharply.

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Monthly Comment July 2020

July has been a busy month with company reports for the very interesting second quarter but also a lot of macro statistics and geopolitical events. The company reports generally came in better than anticipated. Expectations were also relatively low due to the difficult economic situation many companies have experienced during the spring.

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Monthly Comment June 2020

The number of Covid-19 cases in the world continued to increase in June with heavy spread in Latin America and India. Countries that have previously seen a...

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Monthly Comment May 2020

Despite great uncertainty about the continued spread of Covid-19 and the economic effects of closed communities, most financial markets rose in May. The positive trend was led by the technology sector, but also sectors that were the main losers during the spring showed strong returns during the month.

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Monthly Comment April 2020

In April, financial markets recovered. Hopes of a reduced contamination rate of Covid-19, a reopening of societies and massive stimulus packages impacted the markets positively.

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Monthly Comment March 2020

During March, financial markets were driven by the news flow about the corona virus, Covid-19. A dramatic halt of economic activity has resulted in an abrupt decline in demand, broken production chains and an increased risk of the world economy being thrown into recession.

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Market comment

In addition to what we all face right now in our everyday lives due to the Corona virus, we also see some major movements in the financial markets. The spread of virus in the coming weeks will be crucial for markets. Measures are being put in place to deal with the difficult financial situation. Central banks and governments around the world are in the midst of launching massive crisis packages to help businesses and individuals - something that will also support financial markets. Some sectors and industries will be affected for a long time due to lower demand and disruptions in production chains while others will return to normal capacity and see a normalized demand relatively soon. We therefore do not plan to exit the market. However, we evaluate our investments and make the changes we consider appropriate. Please do not hesitate to contact your relationship manager for further information.

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Monthly Comment February 2020

In February, volatility returned to the financial markets. The big movements can mainly be explained by the outbreak of the Corona virus. After the markets dropped at the beginning of the month, they traded into positive territory as it appeared that China was in control of the spread of virus.

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Monthly Comment January 2020

The new year started with a positive trend on the world's markets but moved into negative territory in the second half of the month. Brexit, the impeachment against President Trump and the attack on an Iranian military officer did not significantly affect the markets - rather, economic...

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